Friday Aug 25, 2023
RPGrinders EP 755 - Looking at Photographs
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
This week the Grinders discuss some RPG news including Starfield, Citizen Sleeper, Persona 3, and more! Also, the Grinders talk about a guy wearing a Nickleback tour shirt to a Pantera concert, Eric reviews Blue Beetle and Hot Fuzz, and finally, in what will widely be considered the greatest tournament of all time, the Grinders find the greatest cereal of all time! Join us LIVE every Friday 7EST here: http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders. Thanks for listening!
Friday Aug 25, 2023
RPGrinders EP 754 - Dude, When’s My Car?
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Friday Aug 25, 2023
Frank is still waiting on his new car in this episode of rPGrinders. There's a small amount of news, with the biggest highlight being that Titan Quest now is getting a sequel. Afterward, Frank reviews Heart of Stone. The Stinkos are typically nothing new, but now sports organizations are joining in on the anti-transgender train with Trans women being barred from Chess of all things. At least Frank's car is coming sooner rather than later. But with the Stinkos and Sweetos out of the way, it's time to resume the tourney for the best cereal of all time! Which cereal will beat which in round 3? be sure to listen, and try to make the live shows for all the details, Fridays at 7 PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
RPGrinders Review #59 - The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
I review the amazing follow-up to Breath of the Wild!
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
RPGrinders EP 753 - RPBoobies
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
Saturday Aug 12, 2023
It's hot as fuck outside but the Grinders can take the heat! The RPgrinders are back with another episode of steaming goodness. This week they take on some of the hottest topics in the country, like library book bans, wildfires, political corruption and boobs. Lots and lots of boobs. What could be hotter than breasts? NOTHING!
With the fall season right around the corner, game releases are starting to heat up! Games like Untamed Tactics and Wrestling Quest will be out by the end of August. Just a couple weeks before Autumn will also the release of the next mobile Final Fantasy game, Ever Crisis. For anyone willing to wait longer, they can look forward to the PC release of Deathbound and the unknown system release of Corpse Party 2. Seriously, they didn't tell us anything about the hardware we need to play the game.
Eric strapped on his heat-resistant spy gear for this week's reviews. Not one Mission Impossible, not two Mission Impossible movies, because he reviews the first two Mission Impossible movies, and the most recent film Dead Reckoning Part 1! How do Ethan Hunt's early escapades compare to the most current Mission Impossible sequels? How do the first 2 hold up by today's standards?
Just when the temperature was beginning to cool down, the Grinders moved on to everyone's favorite segment The Stinko of the Week. Talks about wildfires and crooked Ohio politicians make Break's blood boil. Things really begin to heat up between chat and the hosts as there was a lot of disagreement over some of the country's hottest topics. The FBI killing of a disabled man making death threats and the banning of books in libraries. The chatters and hosts all see the situations from different angles. Who is wrong? Who is right? As long as we learn to get along is all that should matter.
Even the Stinkos couldn't prepare the Grinders for the next upcoming battle, the second round of the Greatest Cereal in the World tournament! The heat is really on now. Only 32 cereals are left but only 16 can go on to next week. Which cereal's flames of hope will be washed away like spoiled milk down the drain? Frosted Flakes are one of the country's most popular cereals, but does it taste better than Apple Jacks? Will a Lucky leprechaun give Lucky Charms what it needs to go marshmallow to marshmallow against Count Chocula? Which cereal requires the most sugar just to be edible, is it Total, Rice Crispies, or Corn Chex? Which artificially flavored fruit cereal will survive, the Flinstone's favorite or the brand that hates silly rabbits? After losing Choclate Life will Break lose his Life and his Cinnamon Life? How many more lives does he have? He is running through them quicker than potato salad left in the sun will run through a human digestive system.
If you don't get to see the show live, you miss out on a lot of chat room shenanigans. Boobs, book bans, and boxes of cereal have lit the fires under chatters. Sometimes there is friction. Sometimes there are heated arguments. Sometimes they are given a warm reception. No matter what the topic, no subject is too hot for the Grinders!
My Childhood Friend is a Slutty School Teacher. Does she tutor adults?
"They aren't as cookie as they could be."
Friday Aug 04, 2023
RPGrinders EP 752 - That Squirrel Had it Coming!
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
This episode the guys run through a gamut of news, Break reminds of how terrible the Ohio GOP really is, Eric reviews TMNT, Frank wonders whether or not Little Tykes ankle monitor is a real thing, and finally Break creates one of the greatest tournaments of all time! What is it? Make sure to listen to find out! Join us LIVE every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders. Thanks for listening!
Friday Aug 04, 2023
RPGrinders Review #58 - Final Fantasy XVI
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
I review this action game that pretends it's an RPG for the PS5!
Friday Aug 04, 2023
RPGrinders EP 751 - No, Aliens are not in Your Toilet
Friday Aug 04, 2023
Friday Aug 04, 2023
It's that time again for politicians to make ridiculous claims and once again distract the public while democracy continues to be murdered. But despite all of that, the crew has other news and stuff to talk about before broaching that subject. Like the fact that Ys and The Legend of Heroes series are getting tabletop games. After the news, Eric reviews Barbie and Secret Invasion, while Frank reviews Something Wrong with the Children. Afterwards, the stinkos are about the usual, but this time we mourn the loss of Sinead O'Connor (Shuhada Sadaqat). But at least the Sweetos has Frank getting ever closer to getting his new car! And finally, before tourneys plague us again for a month, there's Free For All discussion on Aliens and whether Game Pass is ultimately a bad thing for Indies, as the delisting of OMORI on the Xbox suggests. If you want to hear the show live, be sure to tune in on Twitch Fridays at 7 PM EST!
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
RPGrinders EP 750 - AT & T and A
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
Saturday Jul 22, 2023
It's the middle of summer on this scorching mud ball, but even record high temperatures are nothing compared to the extreme heat of the RPGrinders! We are coming in HOT and there is no cooling down in this jam packed but shorter episode. Red hot reviews, flaring racial tensions, and a burning passion for Frank's new toy are just some of today's conversations.
The planet may be heating up and the future make look dim. At least you can look forward to some upcoming games, while you wait out the apocalypse with a window airconditioner. The cooler months of fall will bring us Banishers: Ghosts of New Eden and Caligula Effect 2. While you wait for the sun to stop punishing the Earth, why not check out the new release Farsiders on PC?
As a complete shock and surprise to NO ONE, Xbox Live is about to die. Don't blame the heat for this death. We all knew it was coming. Microsoft cared as much about Xbox Live as the American government cares about climate change.
Stay inside. Turn out the lights. Turn up the airconditioner. Enjoy some good movies and television shows while protecting yourself from the extreme heat! Quicksand and Werewolves Within will keep you cool with a chill down your spine. If horror isn't your thing, try the stone-cold comedy series Schitt's Creek.
The planet may be suffering from extreme heat but nothing is hotter than the anger of the Stinkoes! Global warming is definitely a Stinko but it isn't the only one making the Grinders hot under the collar. People that willing upgrade their mufflers to the annoyance of everyone around, really tans our hides. Racist politicians erasing African American history and sugar-coating slavery. Make no mistake, there is NOTHING worse than slavery despite what Republicans want children to know. Florida isn't the only state with blatantly racist politicians. The Democrats have their own bigoted 3 letter Jr problem. I have heard a lot of crazy things from people like MTG but even she seems sane in comparison to RFK Jr.
With only two Free-4-Alls left before the return of the tournaments, the Grinders take on the hottest topic in America: Jason Aldean. The country crooner wrote a song with violent lyrics and a video with violent representation. Is the video problematic? Is Jason Aldean a racist? Is this an issue that has been blown out of proportion? Violent images and lyrics are nothing new. So the question becomes, did he go to far? Will the Grinders condemn Jason Aldean? Will they support him? Will they even care?
Did we mention, Frank got a blazing new toy!? What is it, you ask? We aren't telling you here! You will have to listen to find out! Frank's new hotness! Do people still say "hotness"? I freaking hope not.
Nope. I'm not spilling my guts this week! Just go back to the Pride Never Stops episode. I'm not pouring out more of my soul until I get a movie deal!
Friday Jul 14, 2023
RPGrinders EP 749 - Start Over
Friday Jul 14, 2023
Friday Jul 14, 2023
This episode the guys get through some news stories only to come across some more hentai fun titled games, Eric reviews Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, Frank breezes through a review of Beavis and Butthead Season 2, and finally, Break's Stinkos bring up great discussions on police in the USA, politicians, and rich people. Please join us every Friday 7EST LIVE here: http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
RPGrinders EP 748 - Free for All Returns
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
In this tourney-free episode, the crew gets through a small amount of news with highlights being the Tsukihime remake is heading west, and some Neptunia news. Afterward, Frank reviews Unwelcome. Stinkos a car theft that hits a bit close to home, and the politicians as usual. At least we can all feel better by hearing about Break's tearing down of morons on Twitter. Please send him some Dear Breakman questions for your everyday life! And finally, free for all makes a grand return! While we do go a bit all over the place, the focus shifts to Vegas at some point. If you want to see these happen live, be sure to listen in on Fridays at 7 PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!