Thursday Jul 13, 2023
RPGrinders EP 748 - Free for All Returns
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
Thursday Jul 13, 2023
In this tourney-free episode, the crew gets through a small amount of news with highlights being the Tsukihime remake is heading west, and some Neptunia news. Afterward, Frank reviews Unwelcome. Stinkos a car theft that hits a bit close to home, and the politicians as usual. At least we can all feel better by hearing about Break's tearing down of morons on Twitter. Please send him some Dear Breakman questions for your everyday life! And finally, free for all makes a grand return! While we do go a bit all over the place, the focus shifts to Vegas at some point. If you want to see these happen live, be sure to listen in on Fridays at 7 PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Friday Jul 07, 2023
RPGrinders Review #57 - The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
Friday Jul 07, 2023
Friday Jul 07, 2023
I review the PS5 version that's a capstone to both the Crossbell and Cold Steel series!
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
RPGrinders EP 747 - Burning Down the Closet
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
Saturday Jul 01, 2023
The Grinders are back for the last day of Pride 2023 and the last day of Frank Week (be sure to wish him a happy birthday!) Although Frank isn't in the LGBTQ community, he is a very vocal and supportive ally! Frank is also a great friend to his two queer co-hosts, Eric who has shared his truth without fear and Break who comes out in this very episode! Coming out can be a long hard process, good friends make it easier.
The Rainbow Flag flies high above the news portion of this episode. These games might be releasing too late for Pride 2023 but they will still be around for Pride 2024! Gravity Circuit might be releasing on July 13th but it will still be playable in 2024, as well as the fall releases Dokapon Kingdom Connect and Summon Aeterna.
Break might be feeling strong with Pride but that doesn't mean the Grinders don't have reasons to complain. Crooked judges, cheating athletes, has been comedians, tone deaf spouses, and the corrupt courts playing politics with all of our lives. Break comes out just in time to watch one of his rights evaporate.
The Grinders won't let the bad news keep them down. There are plenty of things to celebrate! While the cowardly lion Break finally finds some Pride, the rest of the world celebrates Frank Day! Smoke a joint, hit a bong, eat some gummies, all in Frank's honor.
In the absence of a tournament, the Grinders have plenty of time for a Free-4-All. The topic is the pacing of video games. Are games too long? Are they paced poorly? What is the right pacing for a game? Although Pride and queerness aren't a part of the discussion, they are integral to Break Man's big reveal.
You don't have to be queer to find your own Pride. It means something different to all of us. It has a special and personal meeting for all queer people not stuck in the nightmare that is the Closet. This is the start of a new day for Break. He's finding and sharing his truth. He hopes everyone can find their truth and not be forced to hide it from the world. To all the people stuck in the closet, you aren't alone and there is help if you want it.
Happy Frank Day everyone!
A long time ago, there was a little boy that always questioned the world around him. A confusing world of binary choices, yes and no decisions. A world with no middle ground. The boy never quite felt like he fit in. Sometimes the little boy even felt more like a girl. Whenever he expressed himself outside the normal gender roles, there were those around that thought that boys should always act like boys.
The boy would never forget and would always do his best to act like a boy, even when he didn't feel like it. The boy didn't hate being a boy, at least not all of the time. He did enjoy boy things, like He-Man and the Fall Guy. He made sure to never go anywhere near girly things, except for some stuffed animals.
The boy got older but the world didn't get less confusing. He had learned there were two types of people, heterosexuals and homosexuals. He learned at home, in school, and in church the "evils" of homosexuality. The boy started to become less sure of his feelings. He knew he was supposed to like girls but he just tried to kiss a boy (it didn't go well, fyi.) He questioned himself.
Was the boy as evil as the "f-words" he had been warned about? After all, he had become a willing participant of the sexual abuse of another male tween. The boy wanted it to stop because he knew it was a sin. The boy didn't want it to stop because of how good it felt. The boy got a little older and got it to stop. Not because he wanted it to stop, because he didn't want to burn in hell.
The boy, now a teenager, starts to notice girls. He had always been curious about them and what made them different. But now he wanted to touch them and kiss them. The boy knew he had to be straight then, right? Sex with the other boy was just a passing fancy, right? He tried to push the thoughts of boys out of his head. He swore to himself that he would never "check out" another guy.
One day, the teen met a girl and wanted to spend all of his time with her. She taught the teen new things. For a while, he wasn't thinking about boys (or anyone else), she was his first kiss and his first love. But things weren't meant to be and it didn't last. With her out of his life, the old thoughts and feelings returned. The teen started feeling confused again, he liked girls not boys, but why was he dreaming of other guys? He tried to only focus on girls. He did like them. He had a lot of fun with his "first love" and saw other girls that looked like fun.
The thoughts persisted. Am I gay, the teen asked himself almost daily. He had heard the term bisexual but according to other boys, only girls were bisexual.
The teen's high school life didn't change until he met other kids that called themselves bi. We all knew the openly homosexual students, while we hid in plain sight. But the bi girls (of course they were girls) inspired him to see himself differently. Soon, the teen admitted to himself that he was bi but he knew he had to keep it a secret. The feeling of deep shame didn't leave. He left the church a few years ago, but the church never left him. He questioned why he was bi. Was it because he was molested? It felt good but it was still against his will. He clung to that theory, forgetting about childhood queerness and pretending that he didn't fantasize about sucking dick.
After high school and through college, the teen experimented when he wasn't terrified. He got one ear pierced because he knew he couldn't explain both ears pierced to him parents. He grew his hair long and started shaving his body hair. He didn't really know why he wanted to, but he knew he wanted it. The world can be cruel though, the long hair invited jokes and ridicule. He cut his hair and found himself retreating to the Closet.
He made friends in college, straight friends. After college, he got a place with his straight friends. He didn't tell them he liked guys. He hid deeper in his closet of shame and fear. He only dated girls around them. Just as he had done his entire life, he tried to be as careful with his words and mannerisms. He never wanted to appear even slightly effeminate. He feared their reactions but mostly he stayed in the closet because of his own internalized homophobia.
Now a man, he was lucky enough to meet and fall in love with a very forgiving woman. He was lucky because he hid his qeerness from her. Shame and fear, as always. Eventually, she figured it out on her own. (He wasn't cheating, she was just perceptive.) He stayed with her. The straight girl and the bi boy. Being in love with a straight girl doesn't erase his queerness. Even if he tried to pretend otherwise.
So many more things happened and so many more details but this is my story. A shortened version of my life. I wish I had the courage to come out in college but I'm here to tell all other closeted queers. it is NEVER too late to come out. You don't have to come out to anyone you dont want. It is your life and you choose who shares your journey. At 45, I'm not out to everyone but I start my journey as an out Bisexual Cis-Male. But us bis just prefer to be called bi, it doesn't always have to be sexual.
Hi, my name is Chris. I am bi.
Friday Jun 23, 2023
RPGrinders EP 746 - The Turd is the Word
Friday Jun 23, 2023
Friday Jun 23, 2023
In this episode the guys discuss the evils of AI extensively with Frank expressing his deep thoughts on the matter. Also the guys cover the latest RPG news, Eric gives us some adult homie discounts, Break breaks down whats going on in Ohio politics including a republican who stands out from the rest and we finally crown the most annoying video game character of all time! Join us LIVE every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders Thanks for listening!
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
RPGrinders EP 745 - Roman Fartblaster
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
Saturday Jun 17, 2023
The summer solstice is less than a week away, but you don't have to wait for another episode of RPGrinders! It's time to celebrate the summer fun or melt like the ACless Break. Hot weather, skimpy clothes, pool parties, BBQs, baseball, and posion ivy are all back for a few short months. Get out and enjoy them while you can or lock the doors, turn up the AC, and give your thumbs some exercise.
June is finally here, and we are preparing to celebrate gamer's Christmas. The day better known as E3....Oh, wait. Nevermind. E3 is DEAD and buried! Does the loss of E3 mean developers are going to stop bringing gaming shows and new game announcements? Hell no! Developer can't wait to tell people about their games, they want as many people as possible to play. They want gamers to get excited for Nexomon 3, Everhood 2, Towerbourne, Clock Work Revolution, Resistor, Fretless, and so many more upcoming games.
The summer sun might be bringing the heat but there isn't a place hotter than Break's house. Is it a broken AC that is fueling his hot flames of rage or is it the criminal politicians that are turning Ohio into Little Russia? Unfortunately, for Frank, the summer sun has abandoned Denver. If anyone is planning to go see Frank, they might need to take a boat.
The rain may be drowning Denver but don't worry because it's always sunny when we do Sweetos! Denver might turn into an island but even Mother Nature can't take away the Nuggets dominating post season performance! Meanwhile, Break doesn't need pool parties, bar hopping, or a sports victory to celebrate. The only partying he wants to do is in celebration of Donald Trump's second arrest! Break really hates that guy.
Break's house maybe hotter than sunbathing ON THE SUN but it isn't as hot as the third round of the Most Annoying Video Game Character Tournament! Only 16 of the most insufferable assholes compete to see who is less likable! Will Baby Mario cry his way to victory or will Eric yank the cord and flush the cartridge? Are the Rabbids as annoying as they are pervasive? Can a nameless flying bird soar below the competition? Is there a bigger asshole than a dog named Dog that laughs at you for failing? Why the hell won't Roman stop fucking calling?! Can I hurl Roman and his phone into the sun?
Also there are Castlevania and Zelda. They have the "honor" of dual representation. Flying disembodied snake ladies, tiny hopping men, creeps that love red balloons and green clothes, and the worst fairy to ever exist. Is the embodiment of suck one of these four losers?
Enjoy the summer sun or hide inside and blasting the AC. Drink, toke, and be merry but be careful; you don't want blisters on your thumbs or sun-screenless skin.
Am I finished? NO! THEN LET ME FINISH....
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
RPGrinders EP 744 - Frank’s Trauma
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Thursday Jun 15, 2023
Frank must have tried dating or courting someone like Lightning for him to hate them so. In this vitriol-filled episode of RPGrinders, the crew does a fair bit of news. Highlights include new Persona games, NISA delistings, and Enclave being resurrected. Remember Enclave? Eric also has a review for Transformers: Rise of the Beasts. The crew has plenty of Stinkos, but there are almost as many Sweetos as well. And Finally, the massive next round for the tourney to decide who the most annoying videogame character ever continues with Round 2! Be sure to tune in live to catch it all in real-time on Twitch/Youtube, Fridays at 7 PM EST!
Friday Jun 02, 2023
RPGrinders EP 743 - The Extra Long Version
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
In this episode, despite the short news cycle this ends up being an extra long show! Topics discussed are, the ever long debate on transgender people/athletes, wild animals vs people, and also the most annoying video game character! Please join us LIVE 7EST Fridays here: http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders Thanks for listening!
Friday Jun 02, 2023
RPGrinders Review #56 - Atelier Ryza
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
I review the PS4 and Switch versions of this first game in the latest Atelier trilogy series!
Saturday May 27, 2023
RPGrinders EP 742 - Pride Comes Early
Saturday May 27, 2023
Saturday May 27, 2023
It's the last week of May, the unofficial beginning of Summer. It's also the last week before this country celebrates Pride Month. The majority of us will celebrate but there is a large group of people preaching hatred and fear. We still have video games and reviews but anti-LGBTQ issues take a prominent seat in this episode. Pride Month starts early on RPGrinders!
The show doesn't start with Pride in mind but we will arrive there. We start with an unexpectedly long news section. E3 might be dead but May and June are still a great time for game announcements! Ultros, Phantom Blade Zero, Haruka: Beyond the Stars, Cat Quest: Pirates of the Purribean, and 2 Metal Gear Solids are just some of the upcoming games. Break hates Metal Gear Solid 3 but maybe Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater could change his mind?
We still haven't arrived at the Pride issues but LGBTQ representation plays a part in the reviews. Break reviews the cancelled too soon Willow TV series. Two of the main characters are lesbians in love but is their story interesting enough to keep Break's attention? Eric reviews the sequel to Shazam, one of the final movies of the current DC universe. One member of the Shazam family is gay, but how well did the movie do in his representation?
Now we arrive at our Stinkoes and the assault on the LGBTQ. The death of the Queen of Rock and Roll and police corruption are only the beginning. The Target LGBTQ clothing controversy was a big enough issue for both Break & Eric. Although the Grinders all agree, not everyone agrees with them. Being LGBTQ is perfectly normal and it shouldn't be shunned by society. No person should be made to feel less because of the bigotry of others. The LGBTQ community is NOT indoctrinating children! Rainbow shirts and rainbow flags do NOT indoctrinate children. Being around people in the LGBTQ community will NOT make your kid "gay." That is NOT how sexuality works! Selling LGBTQ inspired clothes is not about indoctrination, it is about inclusion and representation.
Pride Month is about inclusion, acceptance, visibility, representation. It is about people being able to live their best lives and be themselves. There have always been and there will ALWAYS be people that are a part of the LGBTQ community. Hatred and fear will not win. Only Pride can defeat them. We don't need to be members of the community to support them and defend their rights to be free. The right to live and pursue love and happiness. The right to have sex with any consenting adults. The right to their own bodies. The right to hold the hands of the one they love in public without fear of bigots.
Essentially, we want everyone to be treated equal. The LGBTQ community is not treated equally. A lot of things that straight people are able to do that are stigmatized against the LGBTQ community, to varying degrees depending on where people live. There are a lot of places that are openly hostile and violent towards the community.
If the majority won't stand up for the minority, then the minority will take it into their own hands! Happy Pride Month everyone!
Oh, and video games and stuff.
And one more thing, don't miss Frank's special surprise!
And a second thing, sorry if I went a bit ranty. (It's a word now!)
Honestly, I was just getting started.
Friday May 26, 2023
RPGrinders EP 741 - Triple AAASSS Game Development
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
WB is full of shit and the crew isn't afraid to let you know on this episode of RPGrinders! After a brief bit of news, the crew tears into WB Games for its corporate greed, among other companies. Eric has a review for Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania and Frank reviews horror movies Host and Malum. Frank and Break have stinkos for NBA Media and the government to name a few. There are some Sweetos for the land of Basketball though. Afterward, the next round of the tourney to decide which game is the Greatest Fighting Game of All Time concludes! Be sure to listen live on Fridays on Youtube/Twitch at 7 PM EST!