Friday Mar 03, 2023
RPGrinders EP 729 - The New Hotness is the Old Hotness?
Friday Mar 03, 2023
Friday Mar 03, 2023
In this charged episode of RPGrinders, the crew gets through the usual news cycle. Some highlights are Elden Ring hitting 20 million in sales and a new RPG called Xicatrice. Afterword Eric and Frank have some adult oriented reviews with Eric reviewing Super Hxeros and Frank reviewing Perfect Blue. Stinkos are the usual, but Frank especially is about the exploitation of the elderly for the sake of profit. Also, this episode presents the finale to the other mini tournament: Who will walk away with the illustrious title of Hottest Game character of all time? Be sure to listen in to this and the live episodes Fridays at 7 PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Friday Feb 24, 2023
RPGrinders Review #46 - Pokemon Let’s Go Evee and Pikachu!
Friday Feb 24, 2023
Friday Feb 24, 2023
I review the Evee version of this somewhat remake of Gen 1 for the Switch!
Friday Feb 17, 2023
RPGrinders EP 728 - The Short and Sweet
Friday Feb 17, 2023
Friday Feb 17, 2023
This episode Break breaks down the toxic spill situation in Ohio and the governors lack of response to it, Eric as always brings us the news, and Frank remembers the day games were 60 bucks. Well that and people crying about todays game prices. Follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders and catch us LIVE every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders
Monday Feb 13, 2023
RPGrinders EP 727 - Professor Layton: Steamier Than Ever
Monday Feb 13, 2023
Monday Feb 13, 2023
The RPGrinders are back with an episode that is 2 HOT 4 U. An episode filled with queefing internets, game remasters, reviews old and new, Break Man's stupidity, and the most important tournament in human history. Just like a real queef, nothing will stop them from getting the job done!
The news doesn't have any queefs but it does have some new game announcements, solid release dates, remasters, collections, and reboots. The Fantasy Life i: the Girl Who Steals Time and the copaganda crime suspense RPG Decapolice are in the works. This May will see the release of Darkest Dungeon 2 while August will be getting Sea of Stars. For those looking for nostalgia can look forward to the returns of Bain Kaitos, Advance Wars, and an overpriced Etrian Odyssey collection.
Queefs happen rarely but even more rarely do all three Grinders have reviews for cartoons! It's the gauntlet of cartoons, no less, as each Grinder reviews a different kind of animation. Break spent his time watching the legendary kids cartoon Batman: the Animated Series. Eric watched something a bit more adult oriented, the entire series of the comedy anime Food Wars. However, those are both tame compared to Frank's viewing of the VERY adult second season of Vox Machina.
Queefing is a mild inconvenience, at most, but the Stinkos are anything but mild. As usual, Break is pissed about a lot of things that are completely outside his control. Domestic gun violence, earthquakes, and fascism coming to Ohio frustrate him but not to the level of Frank's frustration. He's angry with the racists living in Southern Colorado. Bigotry in America is getting worse every year, that should make us all feel sick. Racism is worse than the illness Eric is fighting (get better asap)! It is very much like a tumor. It is a cancer on society. Just like the cancer Eric's aunt is battling (Good luck to her. We hope for only the best. Fuck cancer!) it is killing us from the inside. Hopefully, there will be a safe effect cure for cancer one day soon.
With so much bad news there is only one way to cleanse the pallet, the Greatest Tournament Ever Created! Just like a queef, once it starts it can't be stopped. It's time to move forward to the next round of the second tournament. That's right, the month of love and cupid is giving us two tournaments for the price of one!
The first tournament was cute and queef-free but today's tournament is hot and moist. Thirty-two of the HOTTEST video game men and women enter, but which one will be able to out sexy the rest? Will Jill Valentine survive a zombie apocalypse and Cammy's tight tushy? Can Cloud Stryfe overcome the lack of a personality and his friend Zack Fair? Will the busty bestie Tifa Lockhart triumph over a dinosaur slaying, treasure hunter named Lara Croft? Will Jade overcome Break's ignorance and Cid's granddaughter? Will the half-demon Dante put a stake through the heart of the half-vampire Alucard? Will Miranda Lambert move on or will she queef her chance away?
Thanks for reading, downloading, and listening. Please join us this Friday as the Grinders decide the Cutest video game character of ALL TIME. Happy Valentines Day and may you queef with the one you love.
Oh, and Break. Say it with us. Jade is a MAN.
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
RPGrinders EP 726 - The Cute and the Hot
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
Thursday Feb 09, 2023
In this episode of the show, the crew once again gets through a modest chunk of news, before going into reviews. Eric gives their thoughts on Wakanda Forever and Strange World. The Sweetos and Stinkos have a nice mix of cool and yucky, but that's nothing compared to the contrasts of the new sets of mini-tournaments. This time, the crew is doing the Cute Game characters of all time, in addition to the hottest, and the tourneys will switch focus every week until one character comes out on top for each. Be sure to tune in live on Fridays at 7 PM EST on Twitch and Youtube to find out!
Friday Feb 03, 2023
RPGrinders Review #45 - Valis Collection vol. 1
Friday Feb 03, 2023
Friday Feb 03, 2023
I review the Switch version of the first Valis Collection, covering the first three PC-Engine games!
Friday Jan 27, 2023
RPGrinders EP 725 - The Standoff
Friday Jan 27, 2023
Friday Jan 27, 2023
In this episode of Grinders we have a good chunk of news to decipher, Eric and Frank have a standoff, Break introduces a bunch of stinkos, and the guys talk about bands they would love to see in concert if money wasn't an issue. Follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders and be sure to join us LIVE every Friday 7EST here: http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
RPGrinders EP 724 - Don’t Be Rash
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
Thursday Jan 26, 2023
The RPGrinders are back again! It's another week and another excuse for Break not to do the news. Frank & Eric aren't fooled by Break's obvious ploy to get out of doing the news. They can'f force him to do his job. They are only left with one option, add it to the long list of complaints in this Stinko heavy episode.
New year brings new game and release date news. Switch gamers can look forward to Remnant: From the Ashes and Dokapon Kingdom Connect. March will see the the release of Little Witch Nobeta and the delayed Atelier Ryza 3. Giant mech lovers in Europe and North America will be getting the remake of Front Mission 1st.
This Stinko heavy episode also has another overstuffed segment. The reviews! The Grinders have been busy watching movies, old and new alike. Frank loves his horror but how does he feel about the new killer doll Megan and the anime classic Vampire Hunter D movies. Break seems to be obsessed with blood lately, as he watched two more horror movies, The Night of the Living Dead remake and the FANTASTIC Invisible Man! Eric bucks the trend and gives his view on Maverick's journey through both Top Gun movies.
As promised. The segment too big to compress. The Stinkos! As usual, Break has several Stinkos but he isn't alone. Is he alone in his thinking about elected House Representative George Santos, the blatant hypocrisy of a pro-Democrat media, or yet more evil committed by the police. Frank definitely agrees that the police are not our friends. He also believes people are overreacting to the new Pink Floyd logo, as well as some more personal Stinkos. Eric's controller died but more importantly, he has a very special message for American Airlines.
And then there were some Sweetos about football and movie scripts, or something. And a Free-4-All about something or other. But who cares? We all know it was today's Stinkos that truly mattered!
No one will ever know this episode was posted late.....MUHAHAHAHA
Friday Jan 20, 2023
RPGrinders EP 723 - Shin Ultraman Vs Bad English Dubbing
Friday Jan 20, 2023
Friday Jan 20, 2023
In this packed episode of RPGrinders, the crew has some modestly sized news to get through. The highlights are the Bushiroad is clearing a path in its quest to be the next big publisher. Afterward, there are some reviews from Frank and Eric, with Frank covering the Final season of the Walking Dead and the series as a whole, while Eric reviews Shin Ultraman. For Stinkos Frank has a sister problem, and Eric gets a bug. Break is ever complaining about Ohio's criminal politicians and such. At least the Sweetos are much better to balance things out. And the crew finally has a true Free for All topic this time, covering bad English dubs, and how it's usually not a good idea for the lead actor to voice the lead character in English and Japanese. Or maybe the voice direction needs to be better, as that's probably the biggest culprit of all. Hopefully, there can be more Free for All topics in 2023, but it's a good idea to listen to them live on Fridays on Twitch/Youtube, at 7 PM EST!
Friday Jan 06, 2023
RPGrinders EP 722 - The First of the New Year
Friday Jan 06, 2023
Friday Jan 06, 2023
In our inaugural episode of the year, Eric brings us a special deal on the eshop for Hollow Knight, Break Man revels in Kevin Mcarthy's failed bids to become house speaker and finally Frank almost breaks his hip trying to get to the scene of an accident. All this and much more on this episode of the Grinders! Follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders and be sure to join us LIVE 7 EST every Friday on Twitch here http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders thanks for listening!