Friday Feb 12, 2021
RPGrinders EP 628 - Let the SNES Tourney Begin!
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
In this episode of RPGrinders, the crew gets through a bevy of release date announcements, Nintendo shipment numbers, and then we learn what's become of Cryamore. Afterward, we do the usual stinkos and Sweetos. But we don't have time for reviews this week, as the next tourney has already begun! Who will win the best SNES game of all time? Please listen live on Fridays at 7-9 PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
RPGrinders Review #1 - Turrican Flashback
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
EricRPG has set forth on their new reviewing format and outlet, this very podcast! First up is a review of Turrican Flashback! Where is Super Turrican 2? Find out in this review!
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
RPGinders EP 627 - What wouldn't you do for a Klondike Bar?
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
Saturday Jan 30, 2021
On this episode of RPGrinders, the Grinders answer the toughest questions of 2021! Only they have the guts to give the real answer to the age old question, "What would you do for a Klondike bar?" And they solve one of the worlds greatest mysteries, "What is the Greatest 80s Television Theme Song?"
As always, the Grinders start with the show with latest RPG and visual novel news. This episodes news includes: The first big patch for Cyberpunk 2077 has arrived but does it make the game worth playing? Biomutant has been given a May 25th release date and some pricey special editions. Elder Scrolls Online is receiving new DLC with the upcoming June release of Blackwood. And Shattered Tale of the Forgotten King is coming to steam on Feb 17th.
It isn't an episode of RPGrinders with out some reason to complain. The Stinkos give the Grinders a perfect chance to get things off their chests. As usual, the government plays heavily into their frustrations. Elected officials getting minor punishments for major crimes and how the "elite" play by different rules.
The Grinders wouldn't do Stinkos with out something happy to wash away the stank. The Sweetos make everything better and so does the fact that average people teamed up to exploit the same stock market flaws used by the "elite". Wall Street is not a true representation of the economy or the status of the American people. They are not happy to have the average person beat them at their own game.
With all of that out of the way, the Grinders will finally answer histories greatest mystery! Did aliens visit ancient Egypt? Do Bigfoot and Nessy still hold their annual poker tournament? When a bear shits in the woods, does an angel get it's wings? Will God ever pay Frank for the bet they made during the Jurassic period? When Harmie signs a huge music contract will he immediately replace Break (Or will he wait a couple of days first)? Where does Eric store his Big Giant Robots to keep them dry from the rain? These are all good questions, but the biggest mystery in the history of humanity is: What is the Greatest 80s Television Theme song?!
With only four tunes left, who will win? Will a plan come together for Mr. T and the A-Team or will Michael Knight and KITT drive off into the sunset? Do you want to go where everybody knows your name or fly above it all in a badass helicopter?
The Woof of Wall Street
Friday Jan 22, 2021
RPGrinders EP 626- Ding Dong the Wicked Trump is Gone!
Friday Jan 22, 2021
Friday Jan 22, 2021
This episode Break has a very special Sweeto, Eric and Frank played the RE8 Maiden Demo, and politics once again invade our Stinkos. Miami Vice still got robbed last week in our greatest 80's theme tournament and Frank hints at potentially bringing it back next week via a 'golden ticket' whatever that means. Eric informs us that Vicarious Visions was bought by Blizzard (#RIPVV) also the crew praise the price of certain DLC which is unheard of for these cheepos! Don't miss the show LIVE every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders and on YouTube (search RPGrinders), join the chat and get a shoutout! Thanks for listening!
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
RPGrinders EP 625 - Back in the Sekiro Saddle Again
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
I seriously think Eric would explode if they went too long without playing a Souls game. But in all seriousness, the crew gets through a short news week, with one article of not dealing with Dragon Quest getting Fair Use laws. Then Eric has a review of Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice and Bloodstained Classic Mode. Frank has a review of Demon's Souls. Then there's the usual stinkos and sweetos. Eric can't get the weekend work off his back, but at least it seems like a normal hours shift being locked in for the foreseeable future is something to be glad about. We finally get through the next rounds of the tournament for the Greatest 80's show theme of all time! Be sure to go to Eric's patreon and support them if you like their work. Also, be sure to check the podcast live on Fridays at 7pm EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
RPGinders EP 624 -The Penetrator!
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
Saturday Jan 09, 2021
It's finally a Happy New Year because Break Man makes his long overdue return! Fresh out of Twitter jail and joined by Harmie. With Break's return, the trilogy is complete. The Rpgrinders (Frank, Eric, and Break) rise once again
2021 is going to be a busy gaming year, so the Grinders better prepare their selves for a lot of news articles. Stories like: Nintendo buying the developer of Luigi's Mansion, production ending for all but one PS4 model, Her Love In the Force an Otome police academy visual novel is releasing on January 21st, and a new PS4 demo of Ys IX: Monstrum Nox is available now.
Even though the Grinders try to keep the show upbeat, they always take time to address some of the week's worst news. Not much could be worse than the attack on the United States capital. It has left everyone in a state of shock. Now we have fear for where this might lead, in the future. We are sad for our country, and our fellow Americans. We are angry that domestic TERRORISTS were ever able to accomplish so much! We are mad that those TERRORISTS are still being enabled by right wing media.
Frank, Eric, and Break hope to never again witness such a disgraceful event.
With the bad news out of the way, the Grinders have to tackle the most important topic of the month. What is the Greatest 80s Television Theme Song? Will Star Trek: TNG boldly overcome Lee Majors performing the Unknown Stunt Man? Believe It Or Not became a radio hit but can it beat Simon & Simon? Is a brand new life around the bend for Who's The Boss or glory for Night Court's saxophone? Will Knight Rider drive off into the sunset or will turkeys fly for WKRP in Cincinnati?
Only 32 songs left. Which one will reign supreme.
Where ever you go, whatever you do, always remember to was your genitals.
Friday Jan 01, 2021
RPGrinders EP 623-Breaking the Man
Friday Jan 01, 2021
Friday Jan 01, 2021
This episode Eric and Frank have to go it alone as Break is probably still throwing up in a seedy gutter somewhere. Wonder Woman 1984 gets a "controversial" duo review, Frank laments the passing of an awesome wrestler in stinkos, and Eric gives us his Indie game of the year! Next week we start our tournament featuring the greatest 80's theme songs of all time! Thanks for listening! Follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders and join us live every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders or search on Youtube!
Friday Dec 18, 2020
RPGrinders EP 622- Refund 2077
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
This episode is light on news but the guys do manage to talk about Cyberpunk 2077 being pulled from the Playstation Store and its ramifications. Break's stinko involves Mike Pence getting a covid shot before anyone else, Eric's stinko involves working on Saturdays for the foreseeable future, and Frank's Christmas gifts aren't arriving on time. Frank reviews a movie called Possessor, the crew determine the greatest Christmas song of all time, and finally the guys discuss picks for game of the year/decade and a few more things along the way! Follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders and join the show LIVE every Friday 7EST http://twitch.tv/RPGrinders Thanks for listening to our completely uncensored and tiny independent show!
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
RPGrinders EP 621 - Snowman Junk
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
Saturday Dec 12, 2020
In this episode of RPGrinders the crew gets through some light news before doing their usual stinkos and sweetos. Eric has a deal for eroge, and Frank reviews Unhinged. Also listen to how bad Frank is at Demon's Souls. And Round 2 of the best Christmas Song tourney continues. Will your favorite make it to the top spot? Find Out right now! Also, be sure to listen live on Fridays at 7pm EST on Twitch and Youtube!
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
RPGinders EP 620 - A Harmie Christmas
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
On this episode of RPGrinders, the holiday season is in full swing! We find out what it's like to deal with shitty house guests, crappy employment benefits, and what it takes to wear a kilt.
As always, we start the show with the latest JRPG news. We got some details on Swery's upcoming debt management rpg, The Good Life. King Arthur: Knights Tale gets a January release date. The oddly named N1RV-Ann-A gets indefinitely delayed. Squenix announced a Remastered version of Saga Frontier. And did we mention, you can play as a freaking cat or dog in The Good Life?!
Dear BreakMan, is back for the second week in a row! It's time to answer the age old question, what to do when someone shats in your home, borrows your shower curtain?
Even though this is a festive episode, it wouldn't be RPGrinders without stinkos and we always have plenty! Eric is forced to work on the weekend due to circumstances outside his control. Frank is dealing with shipping issues. While COVID is still ravaging America with no relief in sight. The American people have suffered for months with no relief from the Federal government.
We always have the sweetos to balance out the stinkos. We can't have a world of only darkness or light. We have received some good news about the COVID vaccine. It's incredible that a vaccine was able to be created so quickly! Frank celebrates his improvement in gaming skills. It's a lot of work but we think he will enjoy the payoff. We would also like to congratulate Elliot Page for having the courage to live his truth. The stigma may be hard but the trans community just got stronger!
With all the regular work done, it's time to determine the Greatest Christmas Song of All Time! 32 songs will battle to decide but only 1 can win! Do you dream of a White Christmas or singing Chipmunks craving a hoolahoop? Is Santa Claus coming to town or are the Jingle Bells going to beat him to grandma's house? Does someone famous like Mariah Carey, Paul McCartney, Burl Ives, Brenda Lee, or Chuck Berry have the greatest Christmas song?
Silver bells. Silver balls. Silver pubs. Silver boobs.