Saturday May 09, 2020
RPGrinders EP 590 - Butt Hurt Break
Saturday May 09, 2020
Saturday May 09, 2020
On this episode of RPGrinders, Frank and Eric are almost forced to do the show alone because Break takes things way too seriously. Hurt feelings don't last long and they don't stop the show!
Lately we have had a lot of game delays but this episode's news is all good. Bandai Namco announces Scarlet Nexus for the current and next gen, while Children of Morta gets a new update, and Korean action RPG Bellatia is available now!
Frank has had a busy week and has a lot of reviews as proof. He has an overall positive attitude for the Purge movies and the series Attack on Titan. Lest we forget this is a gaming podcast, Frank also reviews Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered.
As usual, the Stinkos take a very serious turn. Racial inequality, broken friendships, the injustice system, and even murder. Luckily, there are always some Sweetos to help us get through.
For the final segment, Frank asks "Are RPGs too long?" It's safe to say that the Grinders are fine with longer games. What do you think? Just tweet us @RPGrinders
Twitch vs YouTube vs Microsoft vs Sony.....FIGHT!!!
Friday May 01, 2020
RPGrinders EP 589- Protesting With Gunz
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
This episode things get a bit heated with discussions of UFO's and protesters storming the Michigan capitol with guns. Before that though, the Grinders talk news, Eric reviews "Rascal does not dream of a dreaming girl" in a spirited analyzation, Frank bitches about idiots who throw cigarette butts out their car window and the affect they can have on the homeless and the environment, and also Sonic the Movie and Mortal Kombat: Scorpions Revenge get Franks review treatment! Join us LIVE every Friday 7EST Twitch.tv/RPGrinders or search YouTube for RPGrinders and be sure to follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders! You can support the show bigtime by subscribing on Twitch and YouTube. Thanks so much for listening!
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
RPGrinders EP 588 - Totally Being Sarcastic
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
Wednesday Apr 29, 2020
In this episode of RPGrinders, the crew is still not letting lockdown get to them. After getting through the usual news, they take more jabs at the Orange Doofus. Not even the Mayor of Vegas is safe! Eric has a review of Final Fantasy 7 Remake to go over as well. The free for all is about everyone's thoughts on underrated movies. Be sure to check out the show live on Twitch/Youtube on Fridays at 7PM EST!
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
RPGrinders EP 587 - We're Not Gonna Protest
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
Saturday Apr 18, 2020
This episode of RPGrinders may be shorter but it's not lacking content! Including some sad voice acting news, the pandemic and "Old Man" Frank upping is game!
It's a shorter news segment but one with a heavy heart. As the Grinders mourn the deaths of two voice actors, Paul Haddad and Keiji Fujwara.
Not only have we lost 2 voice actors but a sad Stinko segment has 2 more celebrity deaths. The Grinders mourne ring announcer Howard Finkel and prolific actor Brian Dennehy. Not only have we lost famous people but the entire country continues to be ravaged by the terrible COVID-19. How many more lives will be lost? Why do some people continue to fight against the quarantine?
Even with all the sad news the Grinders keep things upbeat. Reviews of the Netflix Docu-Series Trump: An American Dream, the bloody good time movie VFW, and the very dark series You.
Before ending this episode, Eric and Frank discuss the upcoming stimulus refund. For the finale segment, Frank wants to know what everyone thinks of the protesters?
Everyone please stay home unless you have to partake in legendary quest for TP.
Friday Apr 10, 2020
RPGrinders EP 586- Going Cray Cray Pandemic Style
Friday Apr 10, 2020
Friday Apr 10, 2020
We are shut in, as most Americans and it shows. Short news cycle this week as we discuss a couple more delays, Break still has issues with the orange president, Frank laments the loss of Bernies friend from high school, Eric reviews a few movies including Beautiful day in the the neighborhood, and finally the guys talk keeping sane and what they are doing during this pandemic. Follow us on twitter @RPGrinders and be sure to join the chat LIVE every Friday 7EST Twitch.tv/RPGrinders.
Thanks for listening!!!!
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
RPGrinders EP 585 - Make it Double
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
Thursday Apr 09, 2020
In this episode of RPGrinders, the crew gets through a chunky bit of news this time, followed by the usual stinkos and sweetos. Frank reviews the Clone Wars and it's first season, as well as Verotika. Highlights for the rest of the show are reaming out our weak 'progressive' leadership, bitching at Mcdonald service, and there is discussion on whether we are headed for another recession, depression, or both. Be sure to tune in live at 7PM EST on Twitch/Youtube!
Friday Mar 27, 2020
RPGrinders EP 584 - I'm cumming, watch out!
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
On this episode of RPGrinders, Franks and Eric are forced to do the news because Break is too lazy to show up on time.
Maybe Break chose the right day to be late as there are nearly twenty news articles. Stories including: the announcements of Mary Skelter Finale and Borderlands Legendary Collection for the Switch, a July 1st global release for Sinoalice, Dragon Ball Super DLC coming to Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, and the Code Vein DLC Lord of Thunder is available now.
It wouldn't be Grinders with out Stinkos and there sure are a lot of reasons to complain. Frank talks about his most recent trip to the hospital. While Eric and Break say goodbye to DPR Jones and Kenny Rogers.
The mood is never down for too long, on RPGrinders. There are plenty of things to celebrate, like a great new question for #DearBreakMan and essential alcohol.
Before ending the show, Frank has one thing he would like to know. Is this the end of E3? Tell us what you think by sending all questions to @RPGrinders on Twitter.
Medical bills make absorbent toilet paper.
Friday Mar 20, 2020
RPGrinders EP 583- RPVirus
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
This episode the guys stay at home and run down some interesting news. Eric brings us some cheap homie discounts, Break discusses the state of our country and the "virus", Eric lambast Gamestop for keeping their doors open, and Frank gushes over his funko Gelatinous Cube. The guys discuss the shameful insider trading of congress, election chicanery, and finally the guys discuss games they regret playing too much of and games they regret never playing! Follow us and send questions to us on twitter @RPGrinders and be sure to join us LIVE every friday 7est here: twitch.tv/RPGrinders
Thanks so much for listening!!
Friday Mar 20, 2020
RPGrinders EP 582 - Preparing for Trouble
Friday Mar 20, 2020
Friday Mar 20, 2020
In this episode of RPGrinders, the crew gets through the usual news, sweetos and stinkos, as we all prepare for the lockdown of COVID-19. But some virus isn't gonna keep us shut down! We are here for the long haul! Highlights of the episode include the Cottonball King, and our Free for All is about which games we once thought were cool, but are hard to accept nowadays. Be sure to tune in live on Twitch or Youtube on Fridays at 7PM EST!
Friday Mar 06, 2020
RPGrinders EP 581 - Bonkers the Apocalyptic Clown
Friday Mar 06, 2020
Friday Mar 06, 2020
The Grinders are riled up and ready for action. It's not hard to be riled up when tackling subjects like Joe Biden, COVID-19, and Daylight Savings Time. Video games, politics, and pandemics, oh my!
The game that spawned the term "Metroidvania" makes a surprising appearance on the mobile platforms, the Turbografx 16 mini is delayed, and the Darius Cozmic Collection 2 is dated for the winter of 2020.
Frank apologizes for his previous comments on COVID-19 and now sees it as a threat. Break and Frank disagree on the severity but they agree on the US governments failures. As usual, the Trump administration lies to the American people and puts some of our most vulnerable at unnecessary risk.
With the political field narrowing, Frank is feeling the Bern. Will the Democratic establishment give Frank what he so desperately wants or will they give us Creepy Uncle Joe Biden? America needs someone that can defeat a cult leader.
Tenacious D.....nied!