Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
RPGrinders EP 535 - It's for the Bung!
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
Tuesday Apr 16, 2019
In this episode of RPGrinders, the guys get through a fair amount of news considering the drought, then do their stinkos and sweetos as usual. There's also a hefty amount of would you rathers, ranging from extremes like getting the ability to know all human language, or to talk to animals. The other end is talk of bleach you bung. Yes, it really does get that crazy. Eric also has their review of Sekiro, which is giving him a hard time. Be sure to tune in live on Twitch or Youtube Fridays at 7PM EST!
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
RPGrinders Special - Castlevania Retrospective #7
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
Wednesday Apr 10, 2019
In this penultimate episode of the Castlevania retrospective, Eric is once again joined by Fanboymaster where we finally have reached the finishline in terms of what left of the Castlevania franchise. Icluding the game that never should have been, Castlevania Judgement. Also discussed are the various adaptations like the anime series on Netflix. This is for all intents and purposes, the final episode, but the actual final episode is less an episode and more a review of the Castlevania inspired series, Bloodstained. But seeing how it's not out yet, we will adjourn for 100 days, or so. But, remember...
Friday Apr 05, 2019
RPGrinders EP 534-Get Guuderestest
Friday Apr 05, 2019
Friday Apr 05, 2019
This episode we run through the news, Eric reviews Shazam!, Break discusses a sub-human scumbag posing as a real human, Frank reviews The Witness, and finally the crew discusses difficulty in video games such as Sekiro and The Witness. Also Freak5 and DungeonBuster in chat just need to 'get gud'. Thanks for listening and if you want to join us live we record every Friday 7EST on Twitch and Youtube, just search RPGrinders! You can also help us by subscribing to the show everywhere and follow us on Twitter @RPGrinders. Send us any question and we will feature you on the show!!
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
RPGrinders Special - Castlevania Retrospective #6
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
Wednesday Apr 03, 2019
In this short episode of the ongoing, but soon to end retrospective series of Castlevania, the time that you have been waiting for is finally here. That's right, it's time for discussion of the Lords of Shadow games. And boy howdy is it a hoot. That's the summary. But please, stay tuned for what may be the final episode in the Castlevania retrospective series, the other games that don't fit into a nice box, plus cameos and adaptations!
Friday Mar 29, 2019
RPGrinders EP 533 - Marijuana vs Alcohol
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
The RPGrinders have so much to talk about that the normal 2 hours just isn't enough! Gaming news, reviews, stinkos, sweetos and so much more to talk about.
There aren't a lot of news stories but articles about the upcoming 8-bit action game Cyber Ninja and the shooter rpg hybrid Borderlands 3 give the Grinders plenty of verbal fodder.
While the news is dominated by games, movies are the primary focus of reviews. Eric reviews the horror "classic" Urban Legend, he's joined by Frank for the review of the new horror classic US, and Break reviews the Motley Crew biography The Dirt.
Stinkos get pretty foul with countries like Brunei enacting Shiria Law and Frank losing something to which he has grown rather fond.
Baseball season may be boring to a lot of gamers but Break couldn't be more excited. Almost as excited as Eric is for the upcoming Hello Kitty vs Gundam movie or Frank's love for the great young director Jordan Peele.
Despite being close to the normal end time Frank spends some time talking about a very serious issue, Criminal Justice Reform. Bernie Sanders and Nancy Pelosi are just a couple of the political figures that are a part of this political conversation.
Although the last topic was heavy, the Grinders leave on a high note. Or whatever note the cowbell plays.
Break Underscore Man
Friday Mar 29, 2019
RPGrinders Special - Castlevania Retrospective #5
Friday Mar 29, 2019
Friday Mar 29, 2019
In this very long episode of the ongiong Castlevania retrospective series, Eric is joined once again with Fanboymaster to cover the handheld generation of Castlevania, and Bloodlines for it's relationship to one of the DS entries. Lots of fun stuff to talk about here like curry throwing Skeleton Waiters, Dracula is a boss from Lifeforce, a martial artists, and the fact that Jonathan Morris is such a master of weaponry, that he makes even paper airplanes and pies deadly tools. Be sure to join next week when we discuss the series that saw the end of the franchise for more or less, Lords of Shadow.
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
RPGrinders EP 532 - The Home and Garden Conundrum
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
Wednesday Mar 27, 2019
In this episode of RPGrinders, the crew goes through some news at a fairly brisk pace, before diving into the stinos and sweetos like usual. Chik Fil-A still sucks, and Eric and frank have some reviews, with Eric reviewing Disney's A Wrinkle in Time, Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn, along with it's first season. Frank reviews the Order 1886 and Captain Marvel. The Free for All this week is criminal justice reform. Stay tuned next week when we've learned that Frank has infected all of Japan with Weedenza!
Friday Mar 22, 2019
RPGrinders Special - Castlevania Retrospective #4
Friday Mar 22, 2019
Friday Mar 22, 2019
In this episode of the ongoing Castlevania retrospective, Eric and Fanboymaster dive into the 3D generation of Castlevania with Castle 64, Legacy of Darkness, Lament of Innocence, and Curse of Darkness. About half of these are decent, and the other half is pure awful. Also, there is a lot of Fake Dracula going on. And a time traveling sub plot? Be sure to tune in next week for the GBA and DS generation!
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
RPGrinders EP 531 - The Franking Dead
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
Sunday Mar 17, 2019
This weeks episode doesn't have a lot of news stories but it has enough to leave Break tongue tied, much to Frank's amusement.
Break surprises everyone when he reveals he has played AND beat more than one game! Three games, in one week, maybe his new record!
Super Bomberman R, Knight Squad, Batman: the Tell Tale Series, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2, and the Order 1886 are just some of the games the Grinders played.
A bunch of Stinkos can't bring down the Grinders, no matter how helpless some of them make us feel. The horrible terrorist acts against mosques, PMURT, and the Sonic the Hedgehog movie, to name a few.
Before ending the show Frank wants to know what television shows the Grinders really hate. Shows like M.A.S.H. and The Walking Dead are prominently featuring. Not everyone agrees. Especially when it comes to The Walking Dead.
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
RPGrinders Special - Castlevania Retrospective #3
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
Thursday Mar 14, 2019
In this episode of the ongoing Castlevania retrospctive, Eric and Fanboy Master spend much more time talking about the most influential of Castlevania games, Symphony of the Night, and the game that inspired it, and it's many ports. That would be Rondo of Blood and Dracula X. There was a Symphony Tiger game? Find out this and more in this juicy episode, and be sure to stay tuned next time for the 3D Castlevania games!